Bringing Your Dream Landscape to Life
If you’ve been fantasizing about improving your landscape, it’s time to make it a reality. Before you can do that, though, you will need to plan properly. Whether you’re a green-thumbed DIY enthusiast or a garden lover budgeting for professional landscaping design costs, here are some tips to consider before you get down in the dirt.
These expert tips from a professional landscaping contractor will help you design the garden of your dreams.
Prioritize Soil Quality for Beautiful Landscaping Results
Healthy plants come from healthy soil, so make sure you’re providing a solid foundation for your landscape. Paying for dirt isn’t the most fun way to spend your money, but it’s an investment that will help your gardens flourish. Look for nutrient-rich garden soil or prepare your own compost to provide your plants with a healthy start for the season. Supplement with mulch to hold in moisture, block out weeds, and add more nutrients to the soil.
Don’t Place Too Much Stock in Symmetry
Some levels of symmetry can provide a sense of cohesiveness, but laying down a perfectly symmetrical blueprint can be severely limiting. Substitutions for color, or for other plants that share similar characteristics, can keep flower beds from becoming stifled and mundane. Patterns are important, but variety is the spice of life.
Avoid Over-Fertilization
Fertilizers are full of nourishing ingredients, but an overly hefty dose will do more harm than good. This causes fertilizer burn, a condition that comes from an unhealthy spike in the soil’s salt and nitrogen levels. Unfortunately, this stresses out the plant and often kills it. You’ll notice brown or yellow dead patches and sometimes a white crust formed from the excess salt.
In Fort Lauderdale, FL and the surrounding areas, D & F Lawn & Landscaping, Inc. is the landscaping contractor you can trust. To know more about the services I provide, call me at (864) 760-8078 today!